Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

Alexandria Ocasio was born on October 13, 1989 in United States. Her Occupation is a Politician. We have some more information about Her Wiki, Height, Age, Family, Biography & More. Get more biography and details below.

Occupation Not Available
Name Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
Birth Name Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
Famous As United States Representative
Profession Politician
Born In New York City, United States
Hometown New York City, United States
Nationality American
Gender Female
DOB (Date Of Birth) October 13, 1989
Age 31 Years
Sun Sign/ Zodiac/ Star Libra
Political Ideology Democratic Party

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Educational Qualifications

School Yorktown High School
College Boston University
Education BA

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Measurements, Weight, and Height

Physical Status
Height 165 cm
Weight 60 kg
Body Measurements Not Available
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Brown

Family & Siblings Details

Mother Name Blanca Ocasio-Cortez
Father Name Sergio Ocasio-Roman
Brother Name Gabriel
Sister Name Not Available

Boyfriend, Marital Status & Affairs

Either She is engaged, married, or in any relation? She is Unmarried. If we found more details we will update for sure.

Affairs/Boyfriends Riley Roberts
Marital Status Unmarried
Husband Name Not Available
Children Not Available
Daughter Name Not Available
Son Name Not Available

Social Media Accounts & Presence

We have found some social accounts, Please connect them to increase their presence as well.

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IMDB Not Available

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A post shared by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@aoc)

Frequently Ask Question`s Which You might Interested

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Father Name?
Sergio Ocasio-Roman
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Mother Name?
Blanca Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Net Worth?
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez age?
Her Age (age 31 years; as in 2020)
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez height?
165 cm
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Boyfriend Name?
Riley Roberts

A year ago I was waitressing in a restaurant while organizing my community. In a time and place where we had been burned by so many politicians, and had grown deservedly cynical of the sad, familiar cycle of campaign promises and governance excuses, I was asking them, just once, to believe.
It was really hard, because how do you make that case? How to ask someone whose trust has been violated over and over to believe you? To believe in the movement for justice and economic dignity?
You show up. You give unconditionally. You show up when no one is looking and the cameras are off. You offer support when it’s risky, but necessary. You do it over and over again, without a need for recognition or expectation that you are “owed” something for doing the right thing. You just… engage in the act of loving your community.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that those late nights on the 6 & 7 trains would lead to this. All this attention gives me a lot of anxiety (my staff fought to get me to agree to this cover, as I was arguing against it), and still doesn’t feel quite real, which maybe is why I remain comfortable taking risks, which maybe is a good thing.
I believe in an America where all things are possible. Where a basic, dignified life isn’t a dream, but a norm.
That’s why I got up then, and it’s why I get up now. Because my story shouldn’t be a rare one. Because our collective potential as a nation can be unlocked when we’re not so consumed with worry about how we’re going to secure our most basic needs, like a doctor’s visit or an affordable place to live.

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