How to write a thesis statement in easy steps
How to write a thesis statement in 5 easy steps?

How to write a thesis statement in 5 easy steps?

Tackling a thesis statement is the most challenging part of writing any research paper. You need to come up with something that is both interesting and relevant. Otherwise, you will be wasting your time, and everyone else’s as well. Below are five simple steps that can help you write a good thesis statement: Chemistry Past Papers and Answers

Begin with a question

A thesis statement is a one-sentence summary of your paper. It should tell the reader what you’re going to discuss and why this topic is important or interesting. We all wish that someone would do my assignment for us, but panic is your worst friend right now.

Take baby steps, and be clear, concise, and specific. For example, “Thesis: The importance of studying French lies in its ability to help students with their English studies” is not as good as “Thesis: French language courses are more beneficial when taught in conjunction with English courses.” The second sentence gives an opinion that can be evaluated.

Know the topic. 

The first step in writing a thesis statement is to know the topic. The topic should be something you know or can learn about. You must determine your paper’s purpose for an assignment, research project, or essay on a certain topic. You will also need to know how much time you have to work on this project. Once you’ve covered these basics, take some time to brainstorm ideas and think about what interests you most about this subject matter before deciding on something specific.

Know the purpose of the thesis.

The first thing you need to do is know the purpose of the thesis. The professor will tell you what they are looking for, but it’s also important for you to understand why you’re writing it.

If your professor assigned this paper because he wants to see how much research has been done on a particular topic, then your thesis statement should reflect that. 

If there are specific questions he wants to be answered by reading your paper, make sure they are answered in a way that makes sense and gives him an idea of where else he could look if he wanted more information on this subject.

If your instructor wants students’ opinions about something or another topic as part of an assignment, consider whether there might be any bias in those beliefs before putting them into words. 

This can help ensure that others reading your work don’t feel like they’re being talked down too much (or at all) when they read something written by someone who has never lived through these situations before!

Brainstorm to find the main point.

You can use the brainstorming process to come up with the main point. Think of it as an automatic writing exercise, where you just put your finger on the keyboard and let whatever comes into your mind flow onto the page. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling; just write down everything that comes to mind. If one thing sticks out as more important than another, make sure that gets written down first. You can keep going until there’s nothing left or stop when you feel like stopping (we suggest doing this in one sitting).

Once you have all your ideas written down, look at them and try to group them based on similarities. For example, “Thesis” could be grouped with “Main Idea” because both relate directly back to thesis statements; however, “Annotated Bibliography” does not belong here because this isn’t a part of any thesis statement—it’s just something we needed for research purposes!

You should also consider how these groups relate together by asking which ones are most important. Are there gaps between groups? Do ideas fit well within each group? If not, we should consider changing our categories around so they do!

Supporting ideas that support your thesis.

Once you have a thesis, it’s time to support that thesis with supporting ideas. These specific examples, facts, and details will help convince your reader of your argument.

Supporting ideas should be relevant to the subject and be in the same order as your thesis statement. That way, they are easy for readers to follow and understand how each supports your main idea.

When writing supporting paragraphs (the paragraphs where you provide details), remember that they need to be in the same tense as their corresponding sentences in your thesis statement. For example, if you say “I am going…” then make sure all of your supporting sentences start with: “I went…” or “I did….”


There’s no right or wrong way to create a thesis statement. The most important thing is understanding what it is and how it works to use it in your writing. Once you have a good understanding of what goes into a thesis statement, then writing one for any topic will be easy!

Author Bio

Owen Ingram is a research-based content writer. He has worked in various healthcare, technology, Education , and finance industries. He is currently working as a writer in Research Prospect, famous for dissertation writing services and Report writing services. When Owen is not writing or researching, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He also loves travelling and learning about new cultures.


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